Global Commission Partners

What is GCP?

GCP is a missionary non-profit organization dedicated to supporting native ministries spreading the Gospel of Jesus among unreached people groups.

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When you sponsor a missionary, you allow them to fully dedicate themselves to spreading the Gospel. Sponsoring a child provides that child daily meals, an education, and most importantly, the Gospel!

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Bible 1


Most native missionaries lack some of the most essential tools to do the work that the Lord has called them to do. Providing them with one of these tools greatly increases their effectiveness!

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GCP supports various types of missionary projects around the world. These include Christian medical clinics, missionary training, and construction of orphanages!

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About Us

What is GCP?

Global Commission Partners is a non profit missionary organization specifically dedicated to evaluate and help support native ministries…

Our Mission

Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached into all the world as a testimony unto all nations…


GCP seeks to work in countries that have the largest number of unreached people groups. These countries include:

Asia: India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Tibet, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Russia, etc.

Middle East: Israel, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Iran

Africa: Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Chad, Mozambique, Tanzania, Pakistan, North Sudan, Egypt

What gives GCP its distinctiveness is that ALL ministries we help support MUST be working among unreached people groups.

This is very important because the number one problem in fulfilling the Great Commission is that the western Church continues to invest most of its resources in areas where there is a strong presence of the Gospel. As a result, this hinders the Good News from reaching those who have never heard it. By working exclusively among unreached people groups, GCP ensures our donors that their resources will be going to where they are needed most.

Native missionaries represent the largest and most cost-effective missionary force in the world. These missionaries have known the local languages from birth, have mastered other dialects and know their own culture intimately. Most of them live at the same social and economic levels as the people to whom they are ministering. In addition, they cannot be deported because they are already citizens of their own country. Finally, native missionaries can be fully supported with a very small amount.